Monday 9 April 2012

7 Things Men Immediately Notice About Women

By Chiara Atik for HowAboutWe 

Last week, I wrote a list of the things I notice about men when I first see them. In the interest of fairness (and prurient curiosity?) I decided to give guys a chance to list what they notice when they first set their eyes on a woman. So, I reached out to a bunch of men, and after promising to withhold both my personal judgement and their names, they divulged exactly -- and I mean exactly -- what does go through their mind when they see a girl for the first time. 
 A Cute Face Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles, the guys I talked to unanimously agreed that they notice a girl's face before they notice her body. Eyes, smile, expression? "All. I couldn't pick out one feature I look for more," said one guy I talked to. "It's a general feeling. And then if I spent more time with her, maybe I could say it's really her eyes that caught me, etc." 
Related: 10 Things Women Notice About Men
 A Nice Body The guys agreed that they instantly notice whether or not a woman is "demonstrably out of shape." Beyond that, "I would notice breasts and/or ass before I notice triceps...although nice triceps are actually good..." one fellow said. 
 How She's Dressed "I look at their outfits, not in necessarily a sexy way, but to figure them out. How they put themselves together interests me," one guy said. Another pointed out that how a girl is dressed can tell you a lot of things about her, from personal style to branding to wealth level. "I want someone who knows how to dress well for her style," said one interviewee. "Not necessarily expensively, but that she has some kind of good aesthetic and it fits how she acts." 
Related: 15 Good Reasons To Make Out With Someone
 Is She Loud? Yeah, someone literally said this, and the other guys agreed. Apparently, guys notice if a woman is "overly aggressive in speech or mannerism for the setting." (A nicer way of putting this perhaps would be to say they notice whether or not she has a sense of decorum or occasion? Talking loudly above everyone else annoys me when guys do it, too.) 
 Is She With More Girls or Guys? Apparently, guys notice the gender ratio of who a woman is hanging out with right away. "If a girl has a ton of guy friends, it helps you know that if she's being nice to you, it may not mean she's into you," said one guy I talked to. Related: 50 Ways To Tell Someone You Like Them (Without Just Telling Them) 
 Glasses (And Other Accessories) Two guys I talked to said they instantly notices whether a woman has glasses. "My type is nerdy, kinda quiet, not intensely party-ish. Glasses can be a signal," he said. Other guys said they notice accessories that give clues about her personality, like books or a helmet, etc. 
 Eye Contact A lot of the guys I talked to brought up eye contact. "I don't know, girls have a way of making eyes look sexy briefly but then back to normal again," one told me. "Ability and desire to hold eye contact is a big signal."

How to Clear a Clogged Shower Drain: 8 Methods

Unclogging a shower drain: 8 Methods to try
I have taken into consideration the amount of expense and involvement needed for each method when putting this list together. The easiest and cheapest methods to try, I've put near the start and the more involved and expensive ideas are at the end. Often unclogging a shower drain requires a combination of more than one method, in my experience.
1. Pour boiling water down the drain.
This can sometimes break down the soap or grease that is holding the clog together and clear the blockage. Used on its own, this method will often only partially clear the blockage, however. 
2. Try using a plunger.
The nature of the blockage, where the clog is in the drain, and the design of your drain will determine how successful plunging will be - if the clog is deep and made of hair, for instance, you might struggle to get enough suction for plunging to be effective. You can try adding petroleum jelly to the edge of the suction pad to get a better seal and also adding water to the shower so that the end of the plunger is submerged, if it isn't already. Plunging is always worth a try, as the time and costs involved are small. 
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3. Baking soda and vinegar (the natural alternative to chemicals!)
This is a more natural solution than using cleaning chemicals. Pour a cup of baking soda down the drain, wait for a few minutes, then pour a cup of vinegar down too. Wait for a couple of hours to see if the hair clog gets dissolved, then clean out the drain by pouring boiling water down it.
4. Take the drain cover off and pull out the clog by hand.
This method has a fairly good chance of success, but it involves using your hands, so I would advise wearing rubber gloves. First you need to remove the drain cover. Sometimes there is a screw in the middle that you have to take out. Other times you can pry the drain cover off using a screwdriver. Look inside the drain and locate the clog. Use a flashlight, if necessary. If the clog is within reach, pull it out with your fingers. If it is not in reach, go to method number 5. 

5. Use a hook.
If you can't reach the blockage by hand for whatever reason, then try fishing out the clog with a piece of wire. You can improvise a tool with a wire coat hanger, fashioning a hook at the end of it.
6. Use a plumbers' snake (also sometimes called a "toilet jack" or an "electric eel").
Push the snake down the drain until you reach the clog. Turn the snake's handle and bring it back up. Run water to test the drain and see if it is still clogged.
7. Use chemicals.
Most hardware stores sell strong chemical cleaners designed to unblock drains. Follow the instructions carefully. Don't use chemicals unless you have to, as they can cause damage to your drainage pipes.
8. Call a plumber.
If you don't want to start taking your drain apart and are uneasy about using chemicals, then you will have to call out a professional plumber. It's by far the most expensive option and clearly the last resort. 

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Semalam Manchester United FC menang
 ·  · 4 hours ago · 

Monday 2 April 2012

By Eric Pfeiffer

The Canadian government announced on Thursday that it plans to pull the penny from circulation at the end of 2012, saying the copper-coated currency is more expensive for the Royal Canadian Mint to produce than its actual currency value.
"Pennies take up too much space on our dressers at home. They take up far too much time for small businesses trying to grow and create jobs," said Finance Minister Jim Flaherty. He also said it costs 1.5 cents to produce each penny.
"We will, therefore, stop making them," he said.
Nonetheless, the news has been causing quite a stir across Twitter today.
The U.S. faces a similar dilemma, where it costs nearly two cents to produce a single penny. U.S. pennies are in fact composed primarily of zinc, and have a thin copper coating. The Wall Street Journal wrote that the Obama Administration has proposed using less expensive materials in the production of pennies and nickels, but public misinformation on the perceived value of coins would likely stir up controversy.
It could also be disastrous news for at least one Portland, Oregon, nightclub.
During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama discussed phasing out the penny, saying, "We have been trying to eliminate the penny for quite some timeit always comes back. I need to find out who is lobbying to keep the penny." However, Obama said that fellow presidential Illinois native Abraham Lincoln shouldn't be phased out from our currency. "Oh, you think it's Illinois? You're blaming us?" he joked. "I will seriously consider eliminating the penny as long as we find another place for Lincoln to land." Lincoln, of course, already graces the front of the $5 bill.

These days, most people consider themselves lucky if a new car lasts 5 to 10 years. Make it to 100,000 miles in your vehicle, and the car company might make a commercial about you. That makes 93-year-old Rachel Veitch a notable exception. Veitch is retiring her 1964 Mercury Comet Caliente after more than 576,000 miles on the road.
"I am legally blind, so I can no longer drive my lovely Chariot," Veitch told "They don't have to take it away, I would not dream of driving that car again." The car itself is fine, but Veitch has macular degeneration in both her eyes, making her legally blind. After running a red light in March, she decided to voluntarily give up the vehicle she's been driving since Lyndon Johnson occupied the White House.
"I have taken it in stride," she said. "I don't have cancer, I don't have Lou Gehrig's disease. I am lucky."
Yet for all the miles she has put on her vehicle, it doesn't come close to the world record. The Truth About Cars blog wrote that Irv Gordon's 1966 Volvo P1800 is scheduled to reach 3 million miles this year. Gordon has held the record in the Guinness Book of World Records for most miles on a noncommercial vehicle since 1998.
Even without the world record, Vietch is fond of noting that the car has outlasted three marriages. Mechanically, it's worn through three sets of shocks, 18 batteries and eight mufflers. Veitch bought the car in February 1964 for just $3,289.
She credits the longevity to a "near-obsessive" approach to the car's maintenance. "I've never been a destructive person and I've just taken care of everything, except my husbands," she told FoxNews